
In 1971, after a four year stint in the US Air Force ( including a one tour of duty in Phan Rang, Viet Nam), our founder was floundering about looking for gainful employment when he saw a sign shop. Because of his art school background, it was a natural choice. The proprietor promptly said “I’ll teach you how to use a brush!” When the truth was known, he meant a ‘toilet scrubbing brush’. The handwriting was on the wall (the bathroom wall) it was a short-lived job. Fortunately, a gentleman named Jerry Lioy appeared on the scene. Under the watchful eye of Mr. Lioy, brush skills were learned, but this took three and a half years of dedication before anything could be considered ‘professional’. After many tough years of work, brush skills were finally a reality. In 1985, the computer world opened its doors to the Signery. Ever since then, nothing has been allowed to stand in the way of progress. We are not “computer weenies”; we consider ourselves in harmony with today’s technologically advanced graphics world.